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Luxonis OAK-D

Item Numbers

DescriptionCPR ItemSales KitInstallation Kit, With Fasteners
Luxonis OAK-D Pro025961
Luxonis OAK-D Lite025963
Luxonis OAK-D Pro W PoE028065032195

Software Bringup

This sensor is included in the Clearpath Robotics robot package that is installed on all of our robots. This allows you to add or remove the sensor from your robot's software description by modifying the robot configuration yaml.

- model: luxonis_oakd
urdf_enabled: true
launch_enabled: true
parent: top_plate_front_mount
xyz: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
rpy: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
device_type: pro
i_enable_imu: false
i_enable_ir: false
i_floodlight_brightness: 0
i_ip: ''
i_laser_dot_brightness: 100
i_mx_id: ''
i_nn_type: none
i_pipeline_type: RGB
i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS
i_usb_port_id: ''
i_board_socket_id: 0
i_fps: 30.0
i_height: 720
i_interleaved: false
i_max_q_size: 10
i_preview_size: 250
i_enable_preview: true
i_low_bandwidth: true
i_keep_preview_aspect_ratio: true
i_publish_topic: false
i_resolution: '1080P'
i_width: 1280

Package and Setup

Luxonis OAK-D cameras use the depthai_ros_driver ROS 2 driver. The driver is open-source, maintained by Luxonis, and hosted on GitHub. This package and its dependencies are installed alongside the clearpath_sensors package.

For specifics on the way Clearpath's configuration system launches the camera, see the Luxonis OAK-D launch file and the default parameter file in clearpath_sensors.

Device Type

The device_type parameter specified what specific model of OAK-D camera is used. Supported types are:

Multiple Cameras

If you have multiple OAK-D cameras configured, you must specify either the camera.i_mx_id (for USB cameras) or the camera.i_ip parameter (for ethernet/PoE cameras).

See Luxonis' documentation for instructions on how to determine your camera's IP address or MxId.


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Further Reading

  1. Clearpath Robotics Store
  2. Luxonis Website
  3. ROS driver