Jackal Troubleshooting

Robots are complex. Common issues are listed below. Contact our support team at <support@clearpathrobotics.com> if the issue persists.
Our Support team may ask you to create a rosbag. This is a tool that saves ROS data to a file, so we can review it after the robot has been turned off.
For example, we may ask you to record the /status topic so we can review motor temperatures, and other diagnostic data. To create this rosbag, you would:
- Log into the robot's computer.
- Run the command
rosbag record /status
- Use your robot as you typically would, trying to recreate the issue you have been experiencing.
- Once done, in the terminal, press
to stop the command. - Enter
, and find the new file that was created. It will have a file extension of .bag - Copy this file to your development computer, using a command like
. Send this .bag file to Clearpath Robotics in your Support email request.
Not getting Wi-Fi internet connection
Refer to the Networking page.
Cannot connect to the robot's computer over a network cable
Reter to the Networking page.
The computer does not automatically start
Refer to the Mini ITX troubleshooting page.
The computer keeps reverting to old BIOS settings
Refer to the Mini ITX troubleshooting page.
ROS package is not starting
Verify the upstart logs, /var/log/upstart/husky_core.log
, to see if there are any error during upstart.
Sensors are not turning on
- Check that the sensor's User Power connector has the correct voltage.
- If the voltage is correct, then review the Troubleshooting section for the related sensor.
If the Issue Persists
Clearpath is committed to your success. Please get in touch with us and we will do our best to get you rolling again quickly: <support@clearpathrobotics.com>.
To get in touch with a salesperson regarding Clearpath Robotics products, please email <research-sales@clearpathrobotics.com>.
If you have an issue that is specifically about ROS and is something which may be of interest to the broader community, consider asking it on Robotics Stack Exchange. If you do not get a satisfactory response, please ping us and include a link to your question as posted there. If appropriate, we will answer on Robotics Stack Exchange for the benefit of the community.