Frequently Asked Questions
Autonomous Missions
How do I start, pause or stop a mission?
See Mission Execution for information on how to start, pause or stop a mission.
When I start a mission the UGV does not move. What could be the problem?
There could be one of several reasons for why this is happening:
- Check that none of the onboard Motion-Stop actuators are activated.
- Check that none of the wireless Motion-Stops are engaged. This can be checked via the UI (a red Status Indicator means Motion-Stop is engaged) or the onboard UGV lights (will flash when Motion-Stop is engaged).
- If OutdoorNav is running on a Clearpath Robotics Warthog UGV that is programmed with a Futaba controller, then ensure that the controller is turned off. If it is on then it will be sending "no motion" commands that will be overriding the autonomy commands.
- Check the task settings for each Waypoint in the Mission. A missing task setting for a Move PTZ task will block the execution of the Mission it is in.
How do I delete a waypoint?
Make sure the Edit Missions toggle is enabled, then click the Waypoint Mode button. Now you can click the Waypoint you wish to delete. A drop down list will appear. Select Delete.
How do I add a Task to a Waypoint?
See Add Task to Waypoint for information on how to add a Task to a Waypoint.
Why is the "Save Image" Task failing?
Check the Waypoints that have a Save Image task in the Waypoint panel. If you see a red warning triangle beside the Save Image task it means that the settings for this task were not set. Set them and rerun the mission.
The navigation gets stuck on the "Compute Path" feedback. What should I do?
Power cycle the UGV by powering off the base platform. Wait 10 seconds, then turn the base power back on. Allow 1-2 minutes for the software to start up and refresh the Web UI page.
The UGV position and/or heading are behaving erratically while the UGV is stationary. What should I do?
Power cycle the UGV by powering off the base platform. Wait 10 seconds, then turn the base power back on, wait 10 seconds, then turn the computer power back on (labelled PWR on the port/right side of mast). Allow 1-2 minutes for the software to startup and refresh the Web UI page.
Autonomous Docking
When trying to dock, my UGV drives towards the dock but stops 2 meters away and remains there. "Docking Failed" is displayed in the UI feedback bar. How can I fix this?
It is likely that one of these 3 things occurred:
- The Base Station was recently resurveyed, or
- The datum was recently changed, or
- The dock location was not set correctly.
If any of these have occurred recently and you did not reset the dock location from the Web UI, you will need to do so by following the instructions in Set Dock Location.