Release Notes
New Features
- Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) integrated into localization.
- Added localization status topic (see see API Endpoints).
- Added re-localization service (see API Endpoints).
- Additional diagnostic information in the status view.
- Docking improvements including: multiple docks, visual representation of docks on map, local docking/undocking through teleop view. Docking only functional with 2D LiDARs.
- Customization & Tuning Appendix C added. Lists of tuning parameters for navigation and collision avoidance are now available. As well as, instructions/process on how to tune UGVs with differential drive dynamics. Instructions for UGVs with Ackermann dynamics are on their way.
Bug Fixes
- 1134: Display/Hide Datum Point not working.
- 1139: Issues with non-husky platforms.
- 1137: Refreshing page re-enables edit button while mission running.
- 1276: Feedback added for incorrect first Waypoint placement.
Known Issues
- 131: Software upgrade process not documented fully.
- 609: Realsense D435 collision avoidance not fully tuned.
- 751: Wireless icon in UI doesn't work for Ubiquity hardware.
- 1138: Issues with greying out Waypoints in edge cases .
- 1324: Allow single Waypoint missions and/or tasks on first waypoint (required for undocking through tasks).
New Features
- Goal terminology has been removed from the mission generation nomenclature (see Definitions) Users can now add tasks, apply final headings, and set navigation tolerances to any Waypoint in a Mission.
- Drag and Drop of Waypoints now available in Edit Mode.
- New Waypoints can be inserted between existing Waypoints in a Mission.
- Mission API now available to create/edit/load missions, waypoints and tasks.
- Mission execution via mission ID is now available.
- The base station location is now displayed in the UI after carrying out an automated survey.
- New coloring scheme for GNSS status icons to provide more accurate information.
Bug Fixes
- 996: Axis camera missing ptz_state
Known Issues
- 131: Software upgrade process not documented fully.
- 609: Realsense D435 collision avoidance not fully tuned.
- 751: Wireless icon in UI doesn't work for Ubiquity hardware.
- 1134: Display/Hide Datum point not working.
- 1137: Refreshing page re-enables edit button while mission running.
- 1138: Issues with greying out Waypoints in edge cases.
New Features
- OutdoorNav ROS API updated. API now divided into Platform and Autonomy sections. See API Overview for more details.
- Simulation environment created with charge dock, base station and camera plugins.
- Added deviation path visualization to UI when constrained replanning is enabled.
- Modified goalpoint icons to reflect tasks assigned to them.
- Added the ability to record rosbags from UI.
- Added GPS signal strength to status page.
- Added improvements to PTZ controls (cosmetic changes, ability to disable zoom, added a reset mark).
- User can set map source from OpenStreet, MapBox, Bing Maps, or custom map tiles through UI.
Bug Fixes
- 632: Prevent users from changing mission while a mission is running.
- 661: Removed map view when no map is provided in default-state.json. file.
- 712: Fixed front end hanging when user opens menu from any view other than main view.
- 716: Removed connecting lines from disabled goals.
Known Issues
- 131: Software upgrade process not documented fully.
- 609: Realsense D435 collision avoidance not fully tuned.
- 751: Wireless icon in UI doesn't work for Ubiquity hardware.
- 756: Waypoints stop turning grey when they are hit if a waypoint is skipped.
New Features
- Sensor Kit Options: Starter, Standard, Backpack.
- New localization module.
- Added support for UBlox F9K and F9P GNSS receivers in the localization module.
- Added support for either single or dual Swiftnav Duro/Piksi GNSS receiver(s) in the localization module.
- Added support for Realsense D435 camera in collision avoidance module.
- New/updated user modifiable environment variables for sensor and navigation tuning.
- Added a Virtual Guided tour of the application for first time users.
- Added StreetView and Bing map tiles (to existing MapBox tile).
- Allow users to specify custom map tile source.
- Added cosmetic changes to traversed waypoints as well as a robot. status icon with ROS topic health information.
Bug Fixes
- 253: Replace default camera image for camera views when stream is unavailable.
- 281: Fixed navigation latched in a PAUSE state.
- 574: Fixed map settings page to not rerender when robots position changes.
Known Issues
- 131: Software upgrade process not documented fully.
- 609: Realsense D435 collision avoidance not fully tuned.
New Features
- Improved wireless charger docking workflow and added ROS Noetic docking support.
- Added option to record videos from cameras.
- Improved Docker setup to allow concurrent installation with IndoorNav.
- Added initial support for integration with Formant.
- Added Docker installation support for Jackal and Warthog robots.
Bug Fixes
- 480: Added rate limiter for continuous planner.
- 490: Fixed base station survey pop up to better reflect survey time.
Known Issues
- 131: Software upgrade process not documented fully.