First Time Use Checklist
Hardware Setup
☐ Has the Base Station been set up?
Ensure that the Base Station has been set up approximately 5 meters away from any buildings and is currently powered on. See System Startup for further instructions related to setting up the Base Station.
☐ Is the UGV connected to the Base Station?
Check to see that the UGV can be pinged from the Base Station network. See Connecting to Web UI for further details.
Software Setup
☐ Is ROS running on the UGV?
SSH into the UGV and run rostopic list
to generate a list of the
rostopics that are currently available. The list is generally fairly
long so if you are looking for any specific topic please refer to
API Endpoints. You can also check the
ROS status through the OutdoorNAV UI by referring to the diagnostics section
on the Status page.
☐ Is the OutdoorNAV software running?
Check to see if the relevant dockers are running (ssh into the UGV and
run docker ps
which should show at least 5 separate docker containers
☐ Is the computer using the UI connected to the Base Station network?
This can be confirmed by following the steps found in Connecting to Web UI.
☐ Have you surveyed the Base Station?
See RTK Survey Positioning for information on how and when to survey the Base station.